Not so long ago I had a conversation with a guy called Paul Smith, he’s the Station Director at Signal 107 in Wolverhampton.
He told me a story that I just HAD to share with you, so here it is…
Paul was just starting out in his career in Radio sales, 10 years ago. Very early on, he was asked to participate in a new business sales project that the radio station was launching.
He was targeted on new business and was doing all the usual stuff a new Sales Exec to Radio would do.
As the deadline for project preparation was approaching, he was mulling over his shortfall, while eating at a local Indian restaurant.
On the counter, the restaurant was running the usual ‘drop your business card in here’ competition, and there was a fishbowl stuffed full of cards.
Paul spies the fishbowl.
You know what happened next…!
He grabbed a few handfuls of cards out of the bowl, took them to work the next day, ‘re-purposed’ them into his CRM system, and started to make contact and build relationships.
Relationships with … local business operators, Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, and the like.
Six weeks later, those cards yielded over £65k of advertising sales!
Sure, it’s a bit cheeky, but Paul’s story goes to show that opportunity really is everywhere, as long as you’re prepared to look for it…